
Showing posts from 2016

A Wannabe Minimalist

For a long time, I have wanted to start paring down the things in my life. I've been an ultra-consumer before. I've wanted to have the latest and greatest everything. At one point in my life, I counted my shoes and I think I came up with 90 pair! What the hell am I going to do with that many shoes? How many of them did I really even wear? Well, to answer that question, not many. Over the course of the last few years, I've been able to pare down my shoe collection to maybe 12 pair. That, in itself, was a huge challenge for me. I have a tendency to be somewhat of a hoarder and it's been very difficult for me to let go of anything. Yes, my environment is clean and everything is "organized" and put away. No, there are no piles and pathways. My floor space is open and my home is neat. However, there have been certain things over the course of my life that I haven't been able to give up. Things of sentimental value are the hardest. But slowly, I have been gi...