
Showing posts from August, 2017

Edorsing a Diet "Fad?" Yup - I Am!

I’m not normally one to endorse any kind of fad anything. Typically, from the minimalist mindset, most consumables are just so much junk that takes valuable time to care for. I drive a car that is now nearly 6 years old. Bought it brand new and I intend on driving it into the ground. Considering that there’s only 22,000 miles on it, I’ve got a really long way to go!  The hubby and I don’t really shop for anything, anymore. It’s actually been quite freeing. But, there’s one thing that we must shop for. Every minimalist needs to. Let’s talk about what that is: FOOD! Yes. Every person needs to shop for food. Now, this is where things get really tricky. Like I said, I’m not really one to endorse anything, especially any kind of a “diet,” however, this is a little bit different. People have been eating this way for millennia. We have chosen to go completely plant-based, or, as some would say, “vegan,” but I really don’t want to get into the semantics. Basically, we have eli...

An Unexpected Side Effect

As I’ve continued down the path to Minimalism and simple living, there have been two effects that have been entirely expected: more time and more space. However these two things have brought with them something completely unexpected. Yes, I knew that I would have the time to be able to look within, to define exactly who I am from a character standpoint, rather than a materialistic one. I made lists of the things that I was grateful for, in order to remember to practice gratitude. I meditated on the positive qualities that I would like to enhance or add. I thought about my altruistic goals for the betterment of society. I dug deeply into my creativity and sought to bring more of it to the surface. I searched for the “happy-go-lucky,” spritely Pollyanna inside of me, who was all rainbows, glitter, butterflies and unicorns. But I found out that I was stuck. There was something blocking my way. I couldn’t move forward. I had no idea that I would also be confronting my own darkness ...