Edorsing a Diet "Fad?" Yup - I Am!

I’m not normally one to endorse any kind of fad anything. Typically, from the minimalist mindset, most consumables are just so much junk that takes valuable time to care for. I drive a car that is now nearly 6 years old. Bought it brand new and I intend on driving it into the ground. Considering that there’s only 22,000 miles on it, I’ve got a really long way to go! 
The hubby and I don’t really shop for anything, anymore. It’s actually been quite freeing. But, there’s one thing that we must shop for. Every minimalist needs to. Let’s talk about what that is: FOOD!

Yes. Every person needs to shop for food. Now, this is where things get really tricky. Like I said, I’m not really one to endorse anything, especially any kind of a “diet,” however, this is a little bit different. People have been eating this way for millennia.
We have chosen to go completely plant-based, or, as some would say, “vegan,” but I really don’t want to get into the semantics. Basically, we have eliminated all meat and dairy from our eating habits. However, we have also taken it a step further and reduced the oil consumption to nearly nothing and we’ve also drastically reduced the amount of sugar (of any kind) that we eat. 
Reading labels has become a little bit of a game for us. One of my favorites is figuring out how many different names they call sugar and how many times they add it into one product! Seriously. In one label, I found: high fructose corn syrup, sugar, honey, corn syrup (apparently not high fructose), and pure cane sugar. That’s sugar added, FIVE TIMES!! There are other names: agave syrup, maple syrup, brown sugar, etc.
To prevent this from getting any longer, there have been several noticeable effects on our household.
We are spending less money at the grocery store. Yes, it’s really true. By purchasing some of our staples in bulk, for example, rice, chickpeas, red or black beans, etc., we save a ton of money. It just requires a little bit of forethought. We also don’t purchase any meat or dairy. Have you noticed how expensive those good cuts of meat are? Have you SEEN how much milk is per gallon?
Our trips to the grocery store are also faster. Basically, we walk into the produce section, load up, and head out. We don’t even walk down the aisles where all the canned and boxed foods are, unless there’s one very specific thing we need, or if we need to head to the spice aisle (I LOVE spices).
We’ve found out that we don’t waste nearly as much food. We aren’t throwing away pounds of food because it’s gone bad, or we are bored with the leftovers. Then again, that might also be part of learning how to cook for two, or finding a recipe that you don’t mind eating most of the week for lunch.
We don’t eat out at fast food restaurants at all. Holy cow, Batman! That’s a money and health saver right there. Not to mention, the last time we tried, we both got a bit sick to our stomachs. Not worth it anymore.
We feel better. I feel like I have more energy. Hubby has already lost 20 lbs. and that’s without exercise! No, he’s not starving, either. We both eat VERY well, and a lot. My allergy issues seem to be subsiding, although that might have something to do with the season. Both of us sleep much better. Both of us RARELY snore anymore. May seem funny, but that’s huge in our books. 
There’s something else. Hubby’s heartburn has basically stopped. He’s had heartburn since he was 17 years old (we are now in our 40’s), on a daily basis. Imagine what it’s like to live your life that way. Now, he might have an occasional small episode about once every two or three weeks, but it’s nothing that a little bit of baking soda and water can’t cure. No pills, no antacids, nothing. In and of itself, that’s pretty amazing.
We are learning about the foods we like. We are actually tasting food. While the Hubs is a chef, I’m starting to get more creative in the kitchen. I’m flexing my cooking muscles a little bit. When we are off work together, we spend time in the kitchen together - and it’s fun! We’ve discovered some really amazing food, and I can tell you, we haven’t gotten bored yet!
Yes. We have become minimalists in the kitchen, too. We’ve minimized our food sources. Yet, we still eat an amazing variety and a rainbow of colors! It’s made us healthier, happier and we are actually enjoying the process. We thought that we would just try it for a while for the health benefits, but feeling so good, we may not go back.
If you’d like to minimize your eating habits and maximize your life by going plant-based, I would totally recommend it. One caveat: do your research, and don’t just jump in head over heels. Take your time. Make regular changes, so it becomes a permanent habit.

If the need arises, I may take the time to write about the transition to plant-based. For now, we (me, the Hubs, our bodies, our watches and our wallets) are just going to enjoy it!


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