I've Been Rejected by 80+ Jobs

 Yup. You read that right. I've been rejected for over 80 jobs. Ouch, right?

I've sent my resume to over 100 different employers, like Nike, Clubhouse, Zendesk, Starbucks, Springboard, etc. I've received a stack of rejection e-mails from about 80 of them. The others didn't even bother to send a response.

Before you ask, each one was individually tailored, with a different cover letter. They included all of the keywords, highlights, blah blah blah... all the things.

I've had exactly one interview. Yes. Only one. I thought I did really well. Had a great conversation with the interviewer. We were both excited, and she said that she was going to recommend me for the next step. As I waited for the instructions, and waited, and waited... I finally received the rejection e-mail. The next step never came.

So, what does this feel like?

Unequivocally, this sucks. It bites the big one. It's a kick in the unmentionables. It feels personal. It makes me feel worthless. It leaves me with the impression that the last 10 years of my life were a waste in that industry, leaving me with unmarketable skills in Operations & Financial Management, Customer Service, Leadership & Management, and Policy Drafting and Revision.

It feels like the Universe is giving me a big Fuck You, and knocking me down a peg or two. Truthfully, I probably needed a bit of shaking up.

But, here's what's really going on. This situation is teaching me humility... again. It is teaching me patience. (Just remember not to ever ask [insert your deity-of-choice here] for patience, because you will receive it in abundance.) It is teaching me not to wait for other people to craft my living. It's teaching me that companies are extremely busy, and there are a lot of people looking for work. Let's face it, it's a really competitive job market right now.

So, the question is, what am I doing about it right now?

What I'd like to be doing is a whole, fat lot of nothing, and just spend my time wallowing in self-pity and despair. But I can't do that for very long. It gets boring.

So instead, I am continuing to apply for more jobs. Yup. I'm going to see if I can get that rejection pile over 100. There's a challenge worth pursuing!

I'm focusing on my writing, as well as building my YouTube channels. I suck at it, but I think I'm getting slightly better. With that, I'm focusing on my creative pursuits of drawing, photography, and honing my skills in filmmaking and editing. I'm taking the time to learn from places like Masterclass, and Skillshare. 

I'm creating a business plan for the future, and preparing myself for growth. I'm also creating my own opportunities in business consulting, DEI (diversity, equity, & inclusion), and change management.

I know, if necessary, I can take a job below what I made previously (nearly 6 figures, but it was killing me). I'm open to it, because - except for my mortgage - I am 100% debt-free. That's right. I don't owe a penny other than my housing. For now, because of good financial management, I don't have to do that, but the time may come when I need to accept something less than I want.

At the end of the day, this is just another bump in the road of life. I can either choose to let it bother me, or I can adjust my suspension and keep on moving forward, crafting the life that suits me best. Maybe I can even find a little fun along the way!


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